National No Housework Day is a real thing Posted on April 2, 2018 under Blog. | no comments.
National No Housework Day may sound like a day someone made up to get out of household chores but it’s a real nationally recognized day. It will be celebrated April 7, 2018.
Of course, it probably was thought up by someone tired of housework, and then who would argue against it?
We can all relate to the often tedious and boring housework. Unless cleaning is a stress reliever for you or a source of income, you probably don’t jump up and down with excitement when it’s time to clean.
You’ve got dishes to put away, clothes to wash, floors to clean, bathrooms to scrub, kids to pick up after and the list goes on. Not to mention you likely have to do all that on top of a job and all the other stuff life throws your way on a daily basis.
It’s a never-ending cycle, but luckily, there’s a national day that encourages ignoring housework
National No Housework Day will soon be here, and you are expected to skip household chores without feeling guilty.
That doesn’t have to mean the work doesn’t get done; it means you don’t have to do it! That’s where we can help. Instead of doing laundry, we can take care of it for you. We’ll even pick it up and return it for free. We’ll wash, dry and fold your clothes and do any dry cleaning you need.
We must warn you, though, it’s likely you’ll want to continue this valuable service. Who wouldn’t like to get rid of one of the chores on their list all the time?
You’re probably thinking, “But what about the rest of the chores?” Most things can wait one day.
Take April 7th to spend time with family, relax and have a good time. Use National No Housework Day as an excuse to have fun and leave household chores for another day. Go for a bike ride, read a book or spend time working on your favorite hobby. If cooking is a chore to you, eat out.
Luckily, Southwest Florida is blessed with a good selection of relaxing things to do. Head to the beach instead of sorting laundry or take in a movie rather than scrubbing the tub. Go shopping at Mercato or Coconut Point, or just hang out by your pool all day.
There’s nothing wrong with letting it go for a day! But if that doesn’t appeal to you, at least Champion can handle your laundry as well as cleaning your bedspreads, comforters, curtains and other items.